Modeling Unconventional Business Challenges


Modeling Unconventional Business Challenges

A design is simply a description or plan for the arrangement of an existing thing or system and/or for the production of an effect or product or the resultant of that description or plan in the form of an example, machine or procedure. The verb to design normally indicates the planning of constructing or arranging the physical structure of something. Designing therefore involves both physical and mental act of arriving at a design and its acceptance. There are designers, artists, engineers, architects, draftsmen, consultants, and many other professions related to the concept of design.

In large organizations, design and planning are usually carried out by specialized people (designers, managers, architects, etc. ), although sometimes people involved in different fields work as part of the organizational team (such as quality management, production management, information technology, human resources, etc. ). There are also no special division of designers, although the most important sub-set is the Rational Unified Process (RUP) within the field of engineering design. Within this broad area, there are two general types of designers: the action-oriented designers who design according to the needs of the users, and the information-oriented designers, who design according to the needs of the organization.

In an action-oriented design process, the design goals and objectives are specified at the beginning of the process. Then, the design process proceeds according to a directed logical sequence, in which the design solution(s) are implemented according to the specification and the design goals and objectives. In information-oriented design process, the design goals and objectives are specified at the beginning of the process and the design process proceeds in a linear fashion, from the initial information that is required for processing, to processing the needed data, using the data to generate the necessary design solutions. In a large organization, there are many such design processes that are inter-related and dependent on each other. It is difficult to keep track of all these processes, let alone implement them efficiently and precisely, leading to a large waste of resources and money