A slot is a narrow opening, especially one for receiving something, as a coin or a letter. It may also refer to:
In computer science, a logical unit of memory storage, often referred to as an address space, where data can be stored in binary form. A slot is typically an area of a memory chip that can be accessed directly by the CPU. See also memory slot, disk drive slot and address bus.
On electromechanical slot machines, the number of stops on a reel determined the probability that a particular symbol would appear in a given position. This imposed an artificial limit on jackpot sizes and on the total number of possible outcomes. In modern slot machines, microprocessors make it possible to weight particular symbols more or less than others. This means that, although a particular symbol might only appear on the payline once in a hundred spins, it could actually occupy several slots on the physical reel.
In sports, a slot is an unmarked area near an opponent’s goal that provides a vantage point for attacking players. It is also the name of an open container on a Web page that holds dynamic content. A slot is either passive and waits for a scenario to fill it, or active and calls out for a scenario to add items to it. A Web page may have many slots. In software, a slot is either a container for dynamic items or a placeholder that can be filled by a scenario (see also scenario). The word may also refer to: