Travel is essentially the motion of individuals between distant geographic locations. Travel can be either in a straight line, with only one direction or around the globe, with several ways to get from point A to point B. A few decades ago, the largest mode of travel was probably horse-drawn carriage. Then, as now, a variety of new ways to travel were developed and some of the old ways were forgotten or simply left behind. Now, with the advent of air travel, and travel by automobile and other modes of transportation like boats and rickshaws, and even automobiles themselves, travel has become a commonplace in most parts of the world.
The travel meaning of the term, however, is also used differently. For example, when I use the word ‘traveling’ to mean going somewhere or doing something, I suggest that it implies leaving and coming back, or traversing. When I say that ‘going abroad’ means traveling around the world, I imply that you are actually on different places. Similarly, the travel meaning of the term ‘railroad traveling’ is going along a railroad line, which may be either east-west or north-south, although the latter seems more common.
Another reason why people love to travel is because travel helps us understand our surroundings better. This is why people go to faraway places to study different cultures, traditions and languages. Studying in a new place helps us learn more about ourselves and our surrounding environment. That’s why it is great to go out there and travel – not just to see the places, but to experience the people, traditions and landscapes that are all part of the wider world we live in.