Travel in Interesting Ways
Travel is the moving movement of humans between different distant geographic locations. Travel can be undertaken by foot, car, bike, plane, train, bus, boat or other means and is one way to get from point A to point B. Depending on your travel distance, your options for travel modes may include car, bike, foot, shuttle bus or train. The major mode of travel depends on your travel distance.
The travel meaning refers to the mode of travel you choose to undertake, the time duration of your journey, how you travel around and in what condition, etc. Let’s take an example of someone going from one place to another. If they are driving, they need to consider the weather. If the weather is bad, they may have to put up with the driving, like making slow passes in case they break a leg. In order to have fun, let’s say at a theme park, the best thing to do is let us go camping and enjoy the bonfire and camping activities.
The travel meaning also refers to the non-routine and unplanned factors that make travel interesting. Suppose a person travelling between states visits New York City on a business trip and is not able to travel by road due to extreme weather conditions, he can still enjoy the cultural experience in museums, galleries, theatres and so on. Let us look at some examples of non-routine and non-planned factors that make travel interesting.